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Weathershield Waterproofing Admixture

Waterproofing agent is a familiar product and is used on both sides of the side wall to protect the wall and prevent moisture infiltration.

Waterproofing agent is a familiar product and is used on both sides of the side wall to protect the wall and prevent moisture infiltration. However, the popular waterproofing products on the market today have a porous surface, water easily follows the pores to go deep into the wall, so it cannot prevent moisture absorption. Choosing a good, quality waterproofing agent with a strong surface for good waterproofing and protection of the life of the building is something that consumers need to pay attention to and pay attention to when choosing products.
Dulux Weathershield Waterproofing is a premium waterproofing product for exterior vertical walls. The product applies advanced Hydroshield technology, overcoming all limitations that popular waterproofing agents on the market are facing such as porous paint film, poor waterproofing ability, dark color effect. to the beauty of your home.