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Super Glo Plus Oil Paint

Super Glo Plus Oil Paint is a high gloss oil paint. With a special formula that creates a quick-drying feature when used for both interior and exterior. Super Glo Plus is suitable for use on wood, metal surfaces and with anti-corrosion function. This is the best product for steel structure surface.

The product is recommended for both interior and exterior surfaces on wood and metal surfaces.


Excellent durability. High adhesion. Excellent gloss. Self leveling. Anti mold

Wood Surface
Surface to be painted must be dry and free of dust. Sand and remove dirt before painting.
Metal Surface
The surface to be painted must be dry, free from oil, dirt, rust and other contaminants.
Painted Surface
Surface to be painted must be dry, clean, free of dirt, oil, liquid and peeling paint. Defective areas must be polished and should be primed with one coat before repainting.


By brush, roller or spray gun