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Elasticseal 2 trong 1

Elasticseal 2 IN 1 is a line of acrylic polymer synthetic water based paints with a stretchy and water resistant coating. Elasticseal 2 IN 1 is specially formulated as a primer and/or top coat that is water resistant, alkali resistant and not chalky. This line of paints provides good adhesion properties to cover hairline cracks, preventing water from entering the covered surface.

Elasticseal 2IN1 is used as a primer and/or finish coat for new and old building surfaces such as brick walls, drywall, cement, asbestos, etc.

Absolutely waterproof. Covers cracks. Alkali resistance. Use for exterior surfaces.

Recommended Dry Film Thickness 60-80 Micron
Drying time: Surface dry 20 minutes, Full cure 1 hour
Time to apply next coat 2-3 hours
Theoretical coverage: 7-9 m²/liter, 6-8 m²/kg
This coverage is for 2 coats of paint.

For newly applied wall surfaces, it is important to achieve the allowable drying time of the concrete/gypsum wall. When applying paint earlier than the allowed drying time, the wall surface will still have high moisture which is a common cause of problems such as blistering, discoloration, etc. Surfaces like concrete/plaster have properties High alkalinity plus salt and moisture available in the natural environment can cause paint systems to fail prematurely. Therefore, the newly applied wall surface must be dry and up to standard, free of oil/grease and other contaminants before applying Seamaster 8605 Elasticseal 2IN1.
• For old/unpainted wall surfaces
The surface should be dry and free of any structural damage. Wash surfaces to remove all mildew, stains, debris and powder using a dedicated high-pressure water jet.
• For walls with old paint layers
If the surface is chalky and has poor adhesion, it is important to remove the old paint by scraping or by brushing away the old paint with a metal brush before applying the finish system.

Use brush, roller or spray gun

Stir thoroughly before application.